What to Expect?
A D-group meeting generally last about an hour, and there are five disciplines that make up each meeting; Scripture Memory, Bible Reading, Journaling, Accountability, and Prayer. We encourage groups to use the NT 260 reading plan from Replicate Ministries, which is designed to take you through the New Testament in a year while reading one chapter a day, five days a week.
The goal is to grow in what it means to be a disciple according to the acronym MARCS: Missional, Accountable, Reproducible, Communal, and Scriptural. As we grow in each of these aspects of life we will find ourselves becoming more and more like Christ.
The goal is to grow in what it means to be a disciple according to the acronym MARCS: Missional, Accountable, Reproducible, Communal, and Scriptural. As we grow in each of these aspects of life we will find ourselves becoming more and more like Christ.

The "M.A.R.C.S." of a Disciple
Adopts the mindset of a missionary and lives each day on a mission where they are.
Welcomes loving correction from trusted brothers and sisters in Christ.
Takes what they have learned from Jesus and replicates it in others.
Seeks to do life deeply with others in biblical community.
Feeds daily on the Word of God.
Matthew 28:19-20
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations....

What is the commitment?
Give yourself fully to the Lord during this time as you anticipate a season of accelerated spiritual transformation.
- Meet weekly as a D-group (60-90 minutes). If you’re unable to meet, make an attempt to stay involved through sharing journals and prayer requests.
- Commit to the five weekly disciplines
- Contribute to a group atmosphere of confidentiality, honesty, and transparency.
- Pray weekly for fellow D-group members and those in your life who don’t know Jesus.
- Pray and look for those in your life who you could invite into your new D-Group once your current group multiplies.
Thinking about joining?
Discipleship Groups are one of the best ways to "Go and make disciples of Jesus Christ" as well as grow in your faith and relationship with God. We'd love to have a conversation about D-Groups with you. You can connect with us at any point to get some questions answered or to get the ball rolling on joining a group. Click the button below!