Online Giving
Click the button below to give online. Please note: once you click the button below, please log in with your Church Center information before you give. Thank you!
Why We Give
At times, the concept of giving may have been misunderstood, leaving some with a less-than-favorable impression. However, at FBC, we see giving as a beautiful opportunity to honor, worship, and follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ (Proverbs 3:9-10; Luke 6:38). It's not about enriching God, for He already owns everything (Psalm 24:1). Rather, giving is a tangible way for us to express gratitude for the abundant blessings bestowed upon us and demonstrate that we are fully aware that everything we have and own is given to us by a gracious and generous God (James 1:17).
Ways To Give
Give Online
To give online you can do so right here on this page, or through our church app. If you don't have the church app scroll to the bottom of this page to do so! Be sure to log into your Church Center account.
Our electronic giving is safe and secure. Scroll down for details.
Give In Person
You can give on Sundays with cash or checks directed to First Baptist Church, by placing them in the white boxes. You can also give during the week by dropping your gift in the mail slot outside the office entrance.
Give by Mail
If you'd like to mail in your gift, please mail it to 125 Stimson Street; Cadillac, MI 49601.

Have questions or need help?
We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.
All electronic contributions are processed through Stripe. Stripe offers industry-leading fraud prevention and PCI compliance. Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified as a PCI Level 1 Service Provider; the most stringent level of certification available.
All electronic contributions are processed through Stripe. Stripe offers industry-leading fraud prevention and PCI compliance. Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified as a PCI Level 1 Service Provider; the most stringent level of certification available.
How do I get a contribution statement?
Contributions statements are quickly and easily accessible anytime through Church Center in your personal profile (click here) or you may contact the church office.
Setting up recurring giving
Online giving can make it simple to give regularly. Login to your profile in Church Center, (or create an account if you don't have one) by clicking here. Once you're logged in, you can add/remove payment methods, select giving frequencies and which funds you want to give to.
What is the deadline for annual contributions?
All contributions must be received or postmarked by December 31 in order to be included on your contribution statement for that year. Any online contributions must also be initiated by December 31.
Did you know you can donate non-cash gifts?
You can donate marketable securities such as stocks, bonds or mutual funds. You can also give other non-cash gifts or include FBC Cadillac in your estate planning.