Our Mission
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
We aim to help students form a lifelong, unshakeable, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, focusing on personal discipleship. To love, serve and share with our neighbors about how Jesus changed our lives.
When do we meet?
Youth Group meets from 6:00-7:30PM during the school year season.
During the summer, we break out into small groups on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30. Check our calendar to see when we are meeting!
During the summer, we break out into small groups on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30. Check our calendar to see when we are meeting!
Once a month, currently the 1st Sunday of each month, we all meet during the sermon for what we call "Youth Connect Sundays." We'll let you know in the service when to head downstairs!
Small Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
We prioritize small groups all year. During Youth Group we break out into small groups, during the summer, we do small group studies. This allows for you to get connected with other students your age, and allow for leaders to come alongside you during life's ups and downs.
Events, trips, missions and more...
FBC Youth stays busy throughout the year and often takes it on the road too! Pastor David prioritizes missions, conferences and retreats all year long. If you're interested in joining an event or opportunity, Pastor David would love to connect with you about that! Check out our calendar of events and feel free to contact the youth team to get involved!

Interested in joining the team?
We're always on the lookout for adults who are faithful and passionate about student discipleship. Joining the FBC Youth team means you get to have fun AND make a difference at the same time! We'd love to have a conversation about how you may fit in this very relevant ministry.