Upcoming Events

Looking to connect? See below to find out when our next opportunity is!

Last Session: February 4th
Whether you're new, or you're a long-time attendee, Connect Groups is a great place to connect with others!

Where:  Sanctuary

When:  During the 2nd service

What:  We share one thing that we learned from the message and encourage each other spiritually.

Format:  Men, Women's & Couples groups

Youth groups & childcare provided.

We meet as a large group and breakout into smaller groups of 6-8 people for deeper discussion.  

This is a chance to dive deeper in the Word and create some lasting connections with people you see every week!  Join us!!
Sign up!
Stay tuned for a sign up link!
Next Session: TBD
If you are new to FBC and would like to get to know the pastors and get some of your questions answered, join us after the second service! We'll be in the Commons eating pizza and getting to know each other!
Sign up!
Stay tuned for a sign up link.
Last Session: February 8th
Discover First Baptist is the best next step for those who are looking to learn more about life at FBC.

We will be exploring answers to questions such as:
  • What is the mission and vision of FBC? 
  • Who are Chad and Christy? 
  • What is a baptist? 
  • How is the church organized?
  • What is membership and why does it matter?
Also included is a quick overview of our church app and RightNow Media as well as a fun tour of the building at the end of class!

Childcare can be available, but please let us know how many children you have and their ages when signing up. 
Sign up!
Stay tuned for a sign up link.

Download our App

Click the button below to download our app. From there, you can give,
sign up for events, pre-check in your kids and view the directory (if applicable).