Discovery Classes

Discovery Classes (or Sunday School) currently runs during the second service on any non-holiday Sunday. See below on what is currently being offered!
Join us beginning January 12th!

Amazing Grace

We look at issues in life many times through eyes of legalism and judgement. We feel like this is only fair and that consequences are deserved for certain behaviors. Funny how things seem different when WE are the ones needing grace! This class we will be exploring the marvelous gift of grace. Perhaps there is no other trait that best describes Christ’s ministry on earth. Many times it was misunderstood and looked upon as rewarding the guilty. We need grace and God gives plenty of it. Scripture has many references to grace and why it is so important. Join us as we collectively learn how very important grace is in the Christian life to not only receive, but also to give. Bring your bibles, as it is our text book!

“For by GRACE you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” –Eph 2:8-9

Class Taught by Steve Playter, find us in the lower level education wing, Room 103-05